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Turkish Van Cat

Although they are independent, Turkish Van is a cat that should be at home with the family. Their feathers are beautiful silky makes us happy to take care of him, and their enjoyment of water play is very entertaining us. Turkish origin

Burmese Cat

According to the info this cat developed Dr. Thompson (USA) of the queen cat wong want (Burma) and siamese. Sable brown color, other colors are blue, champagne, Lifa, red, brown, and blue turtles.

British Shorthair Cat

Must be predictable origin of its name is English. This cat calm, gentle, warm, and smart. Nothing fur plain color (white, black, blue, red and beige), dichromatic, black, striped.

Manx Cat

Some people call it Rumpy. Its tail is short, brown fur color and lavender. Its loyal, friendly and pintar.Warna fur brown and lavender, and the most preferred hair color cat enthusiasts

Abyssinian Cat

This cat is one of the most popular types. Abyssinian cats are big and burly likely never be revered animals in the past of Egypt.

Egyptian Mau Cat

This wonderful cat is the only species of naturally spotted cat. Originally Mesir. Color Silver, bronze, black, and blue. Temperament Very active, intelligent, entertaining

Munchkin Cat

One of the many races are races Munchkin cats . The special characteristic of this type is a short-legged cat . Although it has short legs but no problems or interference with his spine .

It was researched by Dr . Solveig Pfluege that for 7 years he did research on this cat race . He did not find any interference with the Munchkin . The gene that causes short legs in cats is similar to that of the Daschund dog breeds . Unfortunately the dog instead spine disorders .

The nature of this type of cat is very playful. Anyway enaklah if invited to play the same employer . This is because the Munchkin easily adapt to humans and other animals .

Munchkin cats history of race itself started by a doctor named HE Williams, who found the short -legged cat . But unfortunately the cat disappeared after World War II . who knows what kind of cat found it . But many people believe it is a Munchkin .

History then resumed in 1983 . Sandra Hochenedel ( Music Teacher ) found two female cats dibahwah truck . Well the second cat is pregnant . One gray and the other black .

Both are named Blueberry and Blackberry . Characteristics of the two types is the cute cat -sized feet short . Blackberry after birth , some children were also short-legged . And the one given to his friend , Kay LaFrance .

Well by Kay LaFrance , race cat is named Toulouse . He then mengembangbiakkannya and find short -legged kittens too . Munchkin name itself was inspired by the Wizard of Oz movie . In the film there are dwarves named munchkin .

This type of cat is still rock but you know why this cat race quickly became quite popular . This is because it is currently sitting munchkin hind legs similar to the position in rabbits .

Oriental Shorthair Cat

This unique cat breed Oriental Shorthair names mentioned looks like a dog. This cat combines the body of a dog and a cat with a diversity of colors and patterns. This breed him with better intelligence and a very friendly animal. They have a distinctive nature curious, friendly, emotional, demanding and often quite vocal.

Turkish Angora Cat

As the name signifies this strange cat breed in Turkey. Turkish Angora eye that makes a unique breed. His eyes may be blue, green or yellow, or even one blue and one yellow. The gene responsible for the white coat and blue eye is closely related to the hearing ability, and presence of a blue eye can indicate the cat's eyes blue means deaf ear on that side.

Peterbald Cat

Another cat breed and strange is the Peterbald. She is from Russia. Instead they are actually more like lint but very short hair. Peterbald has a sleek and elegant way distinctive head: narrow and long with a straight profile, almond-shaped eyes, and large ears. They lose their hair and skin gene has the appearance of a gray color.