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Toyger Cats

Toyger is a medium-sized cat with fur like a bengal . Toyger have a good temperamin with relatof good health and resistance to disease .Ideal color is dark orange color with black stripes like the tiger . Patterns must striped lengthwise without spot . Ears small and rounded . Overall pertulangan Toyger has a dense structure and balanced .This cat race is a hybrid domestic cat with bengal . The goal is to produce a small tiger with whom to play and kept in the house . Toyger word itself is an abbreviation of " Toy Tiger " ( tiger who could be invited to play ) .Toyger race discovered and developed by Judy Sugden , owner of a Cattery in America called " EEYAAS Cattery " . Toyger generated by crossing striped domestic cat ( tabby ) short haired , with a Standard Bengal Tabby . After years of hard work , marriage these cats produce cats with colors resembling tiger stripes .This race is still in pengembangan.Pertama times recognized for registration by The International Cat Association ( TICA ) in the early 1990s . Some breeders in the U.S. and Britain tried to develop this race . Toyger getting Preliminary New Breed status in 2000 . And in May of 2007 is expected to gain full status in the contest cat ( Championship status ) .This article is taken from Toyger cat kucingkita.com article . Actually wanted to write about this cat race with their own sentences . But due to chance is there that my writing has been published ulan ya alone .