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Munchkin Cat

One of the many races are races Munchkin cats . The special characteristic of this type is a short-legged cat . Although it has short legs but no problems or interference with his spine .

It was researched by Dr . Solveig Pfluege that for 7 years he did research on this cat race . He did not find any interference with the Munchkin . The gene that causes short legs in cats is similar to that of the Daschund dog breeds . Unfortunately the dog instead spine disorders .

The nature of this type of cat is very playful. Anyway enaklah if invited to play the same employer . This is because the Munchkin easily adapt to humans and other animals .

Munchkin cats history of race itself started by a doctor named HE Williams, who found the short -legged cat . But unfortunately the cat disappeared after World War II . who knows what kind of cat found it . But many people believe it is a Munchkin .

History then resumed in 1983 . Sandra Hochenedel ( Music Teacher ) found two female cats dibahwah truck . Well the second cat is pregnant . One gray and the other black .

Both are named Blueberry and Blackberry . Characteristics of the two types is the cute cat -sized feet short . Blackberry after birth , some children were also short-legged . And the one given to his friend , Kay LaFrance .

Well by Kay LaFrance , race cat is named Toulouse . He then mengembangbiakkannya and find short -legged kittens too . Munchkin name itself was inspired by the Wizard of Oz movie . In the film there are dwarves named munchkin .

This type of cat is still rock but you know why this cat race quickly became quite popular . This is because it is currently sitting munchkin hind legs similar to the position in rabbits .